Day 35: Thoughts of Freedom from Robben Island

Thursday 30 April 2020/ 2 Weeks Lock Down Extension

Thoughts of Freedom from Robben Island

Twice I’ve had the opportunity to spend a night on Robben Island. Not for leisure but for work, not under shelter but out in the open. Temperatures can plummet quite drastically on the island after sundown, particularly when you are exposed to the elements. It was of course a remarkable experience and the sunrise from Robben Island is a most welcome and beautiful sight.

It did of course get me thinking about the incarceration of our former president, Nelson Mandela. The legend of his life and the meaning of ultimate freedom. Since the beginning of the lock down I have written a daily ramble of my thoughts, reflecting back on moments in my life that had some significance to me personally. I successfully made it through 5 weeks, dedicating at least 2 hours each morning to this task … (the crowd goes wild) Thank you to those who have given feedback, it is most appreciated and gave the motivation to continue.


My very first post was a reflection on freedom, it seems fitting to end this 5 week cycle with a similar sentiment. I personally believe Mandela was free long before he was released from prison. He was not subjected to isolation solely by the walls that hindered his physical liberties. He was free both in mind and spirit. The power of this freedom ultimately led to the unfolding moments in South African history that we are all familiar with but in many ways now seem to have been forgotten as they drift into the archives.

Thoughts of Freedom as a Nation

What does it mean for us as a nation now? The appearance of it is that we are a people still largely dictated to by our metaphorical shackles. I do believe however that many of us, during this time, have tried to delve a little deeper into the meaning of life. The answers don’t appear altogether clear at times. Confusion and chaos seem to be the order of the day.

Whatever awaits us on the road ahead I believe now is a time for critical thinking. The reason for the current state of affairs is debatable on many levels. I’m not going to go down that road, but I will say this. We have arrived at an experience that has clearly revealed how vulnerable our illusion of freedom and liberties truly are. Not just in our country but on a global scale. The opportunistic phantom powers of the day would have us engage in fear of each other, largely driven by hysterical media propagation.

Now is a time more than ever to exercise patience, humility, kindness and love … with each other. To recognise that as a species our survival depends on the mechanisms of community.  The strength of any community is built through interaction, collaboration and innovation. The law of the land requires social distancing and hiding behind masks … so be it. How do we as a people rise above these obstacles set before us? Fear is definitely not the solution.

I believe that life is not merely physical, but that it exists in multiple realms. The war we are facing is not just on a physical level, it is a war that exists in these realm and it is a war that exists within ourselves. The great masters were indeed correct, the ultimate power to overcome any obstacle is love. It’s not just a nice thing to say, but a conscious act. To love ourselves, to love our body, to love our mind, to love our souls, to love each other, to love this world, our home.

Do we have the courage to do so? Do we have the courage to confront the things that no longer serve us?