"The purpose of Art in any form is to return us back to ourselves." Donald Barnett

Selected pages from my life’s chapters, procured from chronicles large and small.

Adventure through the lens. Encapsulated moments in time, reflected through images painted with light.


Creativity has been the sacred language of my expression for as long as I can remember. An assorted collection of Art form.

A convergence of content across the spectrum of varied artistic disciplines. Authentically scripted moving visual images.

A brief introduction to who I am, my art and the purpose of this website.

Journal dedicated to the Boats of Brazil, large and small. From the shorelines of Rio to the embankments of the Amazon River.

A contemporary Photo series dedicated to the Boats of Brazil, large and small. From the shorelines of Rio to the embankments of the Amazon River.

A contemporary Art series dedicated to the Boats of Brazil, large and small. From the shorelines of Rio to the embankments of the Amazon River.