the Magic Paintbrush

This short story of ‘the Magic Paintbrush’ is adapted from a visual meditation exercise. Starting with a blank canvas, there is no preconceived direction or intention given to the outcome. From the outset the artwork develops into its own entity, offering personal interpretation and inner meaning.

The Magic Paintbrush

It all began with a mysterious fleck.

A pale dot within a sphere of reddish amber.


In the dream state of my mind I drifted out of consciousness and into the unknown. The textured warmth of the flaming circular tone offered the courage to let go of grappling thoughts, floating weightlessly within the open canvas of space and time.



My awareness grew beyond the sphere, recognizing passages and realms in the circling flow, like hemispheres drifting in synchronicity.





My curiosity quickened. Space gave way to energy. Time collapsed and exploded into an ever expanding vortex of cognizance.




Macro and micro worlds collided into tribal tokens of universal connectedness. Galaxies of planets and stars expanding and contracting in balanced dualism.



In the endlessness of eternal shifting I needed to come back down to earth. Drifting in from the stratosphere I floating across a golden dessert carried by an allusive hot air balloon.




Within the passion of my heart my guru appeared, wearing the mantle of a genie. “I offer you but one wish, to serve as a reminder. A token upon which to bestow all potency from the journey. Choose Wisely.”


It did not take long to ponder my answer. I desired an instrument of that could connect the dots of love and power. One which could create worlds and tear apart conceptions. One which could challenge status quo and alter perceptions.


After a pause of momentary reflection, I turned round to face the canvas, dipping the bristles of the magic paintbrush in the mellowing glow.


…then it all began with a mysterious fleck.


Please follow my story of the magic paintbrush and be sure to indulge in other elements of my website