the Great Projection

The Planets align 2020

Gazing up towards the evening sky, our eyes were fixed to the West as we celebrated the display of the Great Conjunction. Disappointed that we had forgotten the binoculars, we overheard a family discussing how they could clearly see the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn. We did not linger long outside on the verge of the road as the howling South Easter insisted on making its own presence felt. Lucky to have found a decent vantage point close to the start of Chapman’s Peak Drive we remained huddled in the car, shielding our eyes every so often from the oncoming cars on the opposite side of the road. The conditions weren’t ideal but it was a special moment as we resonated with the rarity of this unique event, the last time they were this close I’m led to believe occurred as much as 400 years ago. From our vantage point the planets did not quite appear to merge, but it was close enough.

Signals of the Christmas Star

The event itself has had significant impact on me. More so in the days that followed than in the moment of chasing the glimpse of the Christmas star. I’m not superstitious, things like horoscopes cheaply written as space fillers in magazines don’t impress me much. Predictions aside, there is so many variants of dogma throughout the world that become divisive forms of control indoctrinating itself throughout society. The events through the year of 2020 however is inclined to make one ask some deeper questions about life on earth as we try navigate our way through the fog of what is really going on. So many voices that insist on being heard, so many rabbit holes that don’t lead back to the surface, so many opinions that don’t conspire for the greater good. For many of us it has felt like being deeply lost in an endless maze, we grow weary with limiting options as the hedge walls grow higher and the crooked paths ever narrower. For some the level of suffering has been insurmountable, revealing not only the frailty of the fabric of society but the lack of humanity in any attempt to stitch it back together. Be that as it may there are still those amongst us that possess wings of angels, bringing what hope they can to the destitute and the broken in whichever way they can. There are those too that have seemingly benefited from the chaos of affairs. One man’s food is another man’s poison, so they say.

The Connection of Things

Whatever the vantage point, I believe the recent planetary shift to be significant. Not just something out there to observe, but something we are all inherently connected to. I believe in the energy of life, not just the density of a three dimensional reality. Energy moves in waves, observing the ripples in a pond testifies to this. The movement of planets in the pond of empty space is equally profound. Only, is the space really empty? Examining the universe of a cell on a micro level begs the question. On a quantum level, the movement of one fractal influences the entire cosmos, moving together as one field of energy. Like individual organs in a body that function together for the benefit of the whole, if one organ becomes compromised, the entire body suffers.

Cultural and Personal Shifts

To some degree I believe we are being called upon to make a shift in our cultural dynamics that influence the planet we live on. We are hurtling towards the finality of the sixth mass extinction on earth. The striking difference this time is that the human species is largely responsible. Things are a mess. On a collective level we are doing very little to clean things up. In the wake of our technological advancements and our addiction to stuff, our home is falling apart. Species on multiple levels are disappearing in front of our eyes. Indigenous forests burn unabated, rivers are contaminated and the ocean becomes poisoned with our pollution and our plastic. On a conscious level we know all these things already. We have been warned about them at length, again and again with accompanying graphs, charts and projections. But it all seems too difficult to comprehend, too overwhelming to embrace. Daily survival takes precedence and distractions of social media and mini-series the only relief.

I believe that the current planetary shift signifies the platform for a shift in our consciousness. The pebble in the pond so to speak. It’s been happening for a while already as the ripples from this energy challenges the constructs of everything we deem to be reality. There is a new leap in our evolution that is moving through the birth canal. Part of this evolution is the understanding that we must embrace our connection to all things, to each other, to the planets and the source of life itself. Our survival as a species depends on the cooperative alignment of our individuality and perspectives. In order for the shift to be actualised, to bring about positive change, old structures need to dissolve.

With the survival techniques of fight or flight, we evolved the threat of the sabre tooth tiger. These important progressions have served their purpose well. The technology and information age has provided great insight but do we truly know how to harness these with a level of intelligence that moves us forward into deeper realms? We are the only species that does not harmonise with the environment, instead we have become antagonistic towards it as well as to each other. Not very intelligent at all, if witnessed from an alien perspective.

We are standing on the threshold of a remarkable opportunity. It is but a small window, do we have time enough to still pass through it? The current format of the world has to change and we should celebrate when it does, dissolving things that do not support the natural order of this evolution. Our attachment to the old order brings about our suffering as we desperately cling to the way things were.

The Great Projection

The time has come and is now critical that we align ourselves with this shift in consciousness. To make ourselves available to transformation. To follow the natural order of the seed. Letting go of past constructs, exploring our shadows with our roots and reaching for the light with our branches. A seed that resists this process even with the right conditions, becomes diseased and dies. Each phase of transformation brings with it new change. We are called upon to release our perceptions of reality which remain fear based. It’s not so much about stepping up to fulfill a higher purpose, but stepping into the field of energy that lies before us.

As celestial beings we possess the seed for life. Whether we like it or not, change is coming and is here. We will either transcend the dynamics and obstacles that beset us or we will perish. The greater purpose of life will not be denied on our account and time is running out. Will we evolve or will we perish? This is the time of the Great Projection.

The choice is ours.