Day 31: Existential Sundown

Sunday 26 April 2020 / 2 Weeks Lock Down Extension Reflection

Title: Existential Sundown. Oil on canvas 90cm by 1.5 meters

This abstract oil painting which I completed in 2006, was translated from an art piece done by my daughter, created when she was about four years old.
I think one can learn much from a child’s honest approach to art – I loved the bold use of colour and simple use of form. It reminds me of that dream state feeling, whilst watching a sunset.

This lockdown has resulted in the physical separation from both my kids … now young adults. Needless to say I miss them dearly. Communication through technology has its benefits, but it can never replace the real thing.

Certain probabilities nowadays seem to be disappearing into a world of fantasy.

But yet I still dream of a world where we can once again picnic on rolling grass under a radiant sky.

I dream of a world where we are not required to hide behind masks, where the human touch is not a crime.

I dream of a world where the concept of community is expressed through the collaboration of stories, ideas, laughter, music and dance.

I dream of the confederation of humanity

I dream of an existential sundown

I dream