Dunoon High Library Mural 2010

I feel deeply honored having been involved in the transformation of the Dunoon library.

 Through the process of creating the mural I personally found a new level of inspiration. It is my deepest wish that a similar effect transpires through to the students of Inkwinkwesi High school after spending time in their new library.

The mural depicts an open book as a symbol to the connection to literacy and an open mind. A Rainbow of colours projects out of the book and collectively forms white light symbolising a complete state of consciousness. The mural is finished off with a powerful quote by William Ernest Henley “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul” (These words of encouragement served as inspiration to the world’s greatest symbol to the concept of a rainbow nation, Nelson Mandela whilst he was in prison)

Going up the stair case, further reference is made to the number seven: Seven planes of enlightenment, Seven pillars of wisdom, Seven wonders of the ancient world, Seven continents, Seven seas, Seven spots on a ladybug, Seven days in a week, Seven bones in a mammal’s neck, Seven virtues, Seven kings of Rome and Seven notes in music.

The number seven is also strongly communicated by the seven colors in the rainbow:

Red signifies energy, passion, love and enthusiasm
Orange – creativity, balance, equilibrium and wisdom
Yellow – energy, clarity of thought and decisiveness
Green – harmony, growth, health and being centered
Blue – divinity, understanding, peace and relaxation
Indigo – infinity, self mastery and wisdom
Violet – the highest color but closest to red, the beginning and end of an energy vibration and humanity.

The backdrop of the mural depicts the familiar skyline of Table mountain subtly used as an iconic landmark to enhance the location of Dunoon amongst the community and its dwellers.

The title of the mural is “The Birth of Consciousness” Knowledge empowers, but only when used correctly, with inspiration, creativity and intelligence. For the true value of knowledge to be understood, it needs to be embraced with consciousness – The Birth of Consciousness