Baboon Mutters

Baboon Mutters:

“As I pass through this life,
I tend to find myself more content;
though things are not any less difficult.

I know so much more,
but understand less.

I enter each day with much purpose,
but I depart from it still trying to make sense of it all.”

Weeds only spread on barren land to restore the natural order of things.

So too is the virus.

It spreads, preparing the ground for Truth.

But the Truth is ugly and we try to exterminate the weeds.

The weeds expose our hatred, our greed, our need for control.

They reveals our prejudice, our weakness in the belief that we sit atop the food chain.

The human species suffers no shame.

We are only experts at the pointed finger;

Protecting the illusion of what we think is ours.


In the wake of our demise we lash out with impartial disdain.

We shoot the baboon with paintball fire as he sifts through our trash.


Baboon mutters, “Heaven help us on Judgement Day.”


Baboon Family, Cape Peninsula, False Bay, © Don's Art