Monday 20 April 2020 / 2 Weeks Lock Down Extension
Mamma Gogo Design Expo 2015
This post in particular arouses mixed feelings for me, both pain and virtue.
Imagine a world where people come together to express their creativity through a collective platform? This creativity then sending out a magical ripple into the community, an expression of colourful talent, music and love?
Thinking back to 2015, where the Mamma Gogo Initiative partnered with Longbeach Mall for a second season, celebrating the creative talent of our corner of South Africa which showcased such amazing artistic and musical energy. It was a beautiful time. Here is a link, as a reminder to the event: the Mamma Gogo Design Expo 2015
Worth Dreaming About
I worked tirelessly on prospects for the Mamma Gogo Initiative for over two years, developing illusions of grandeur that I would somehow raise sufficient funds to trail the dream from Cape Town to Cairo. Sadly this never happened (yet). I barely raised enough funds to administer the few projects I launched, but they were well worth the experience, especially the Mamma Gogo Design Expo. My efforts in the long run were not sustainable and there was ultimately the need to adjust my focus in other directions.
I sometimes wondered what was the point of it all. Looking out at the world through my metaphorical window today, I now see how important it was. You see the Mamma Gogo Initiative, was not about me. It was about community. It was about the gathering of creative people with one voice. It was about highlighting the importance of creativity, art and music within our community. It was about the so many people that came together, sacrificing something to make this event a reality, there are so many to thank.
Whatever the reasons today, our liberties and sovereign rights are under threat. This might be a point of contention for some, but the hinges that open the doors of the human spirit are fashioned by imagination, creativity and expression.
The importance of art & creativity in communities
Imagine a world without artistic expression. The process of dismantling all things beautiful seems to be happening before our very eyes as we become engulfed in a dictatorial world that seems to resemble George Orwell’s 1984 on steroids.
The call to artists and creativity and conscious expression has never been more profound. Art too is an essential service to society, let it not be undermined.
Mamma Gogo Mission Statement
At the time, the objectives of the Mamma Gogo campaign were to:
*explore the creative potential of communities across South Africa and ultimately Africa through a practical outreach program.
*document the diverse heritage of her people and the expression of her culture by means of a photo journal.
*engage communities (including those on social media) to the collective
story of this creative adventure.
I wonder if there will ever be another opportunity for this dream to be realised?